Obama For America, New Media and Digital Strategy Associate
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Obama For America - 2008
I worked closely with Senior Director, Gray Brooks and Chief Integration and Michael Slaby on executing new media.
As a digital new media associate, I was responsible for assisting in operations, social media, and public relations strategies that had never been done before in the political sector. Developing content and “micro-listening,” to study the habits and traits of individual voters to understand how to target them. I was able to influence communities and ultimately partake in the presidential campaign for at the time, Senator Barack Obama.
My most unique moment was when I curated a post for newfound talent Janelle Monae. I collaborated directly with Janelle Monae to make a post for her under Barack Obama’s handle for targeted influence. Since the exploration of Janelle Monae to the Obama’s - They’ve been able to leverage her voice in so many other avenues as seen below.